Dr. Zoltán Korényi
Office: D209
PHONE: +361-463-2593
Research area: energy strategy, general energetics, investments and businesses of power plants, combined heat and power (CHP) and trigeneration, utilisation of renewable energy.
Qualification, academic degree:
- 1983: dr. techn., BME Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- 1972: M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, BME Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- 2012- BME Department of Energy Engineering - Honory Associate Professor
- 1998-2011: Hungary: Bayernwerk Hungária ZRt. / E.ON - Director
- 1993-1998: Germany: MVV Mannheim, Consulting Division: Technical Manager
- 1991-1993: Germany: Thermo-Consulting Heidelberg GmbH. - Project Manager
- 1986-1990: Germany: Deutsche Babcock AG. - Chief Designer
- 1983-1986: BME Department of Heat Engines - Assistant Professor
- 1974-1983: BME Department of Heat Engines - Assistant Lecturer
- 1974: Factory of Refrigeration, Department of Air Conditioning - Designer Engineer
- 1972-1974: Power Plant of Budapest - Operational Engineer