Construction of a new smoke generator, development of a pilot-scale experimental set-up. Optimization of dried consumer products production, modelling of the process from energetic and technological viewpoints. Realization of cold- and hot-energy storage, energetic optimization of smoking chambers.
NKM Áramhálózati Kft.
Petrological core sample analysis, complex lithology-CT-mechanical properties laboratory measurement for reopening a depleted oil field.
3B Hungária Kft.
Complex utilisation of unsorted municipal waste (NKFIH - 2019-1.1.1-PIACI-KFI-2019-00200), evaluation of pyrolysis technology from thermal and energy aspects, environmental impact assessment based on life cycle analysis.
Budapesti Közművek Nonprofit Zrt – FŐTÁV
Expertise in the modernisation of heating boilers.
TLC – Sennebogen Kft.
Feasibility analysis of the renewable energy supply potential of a new factory.
ENERGO PROMPT Mérnökiroda Kft.
Providing expertise on the design, operation and problems of energy supply centres.
For educational and research purposes, we use two AVL software packages in the field of internal combustion engines:
AVL (www.avl.com)
AVL Magyarország (https://www.avl.com/web/hu/-/avl-magyarorszag)