Welcome to the Department's website!

The mission of the Department of Energy Engineering is to define the development pathways in energy engineering and to educate students on a way that enables them to solve issues as energy engineers with scientific sophistication through developing responsibility for the future generation.

Prof. Imre Attila
Head of Department

Életének 83. évében elhunyt Környey Tamás címzetes egyetemi tanár

Környey Tamás 1940-ben, Szegeden született. Középiskolai tanulmányai után, gépészmérnöki oklevelének megszerzésétől (1963) nyugdíjazásáig folyamatosan tanszékünk, illetve előd tanszékeinek oktatója volt. Heller professzor mellett kapcsolódott be a Műszaki hőtan – Hőközlés és Termodinamika – oktatásába. Read More

20 éves lett az Energetikai Gépek és Rendszerek Tanszék!

Az Department of Energy Engineering 2023. június 6-án ünnepelte 20 éves fennállásának évfordulóját. Az ünnepséget a K épület Pécsi Eszter termében tartottuk az alábbi megemlékezésekkel. Read More



(05. 05. 2022.) Our department was awarded the title Excellent MTA Institute

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences has awarded the title "Excellent MTA Institute" to our department as recognition of its internationally outstanding scientific achievements.
The department holds the title for the period from 4th May, 2022 to 30th June, 2027.

Departmental Seminars

From February 2016 on Departmental Seminars have been organised fortnightly at the Department of Energy Engineering. During the seminars colleagues present their latest research results, professional tasks occurred during industrial cooperation and show their proposed solutions, thus all colleagues are up-to-date about the departmental research portfolio. In the framework of departmental seminars PhD students present their research result, so their progress in their research can be controlled. Presentations are followed by professional debates that aids the advancement in research. By the introduction of distance learning and online teaching, the possibility to keep our seminars in an online-form has helped us to invite presenters from industry, ministry and international professional collaborations.

In the future, we will make available the seminar info here.

Dr. Edit Cséfalvay
Deputy Head of Department