Research area: Reliability Description of Power Generating Units, Reliability Modelling of Power Generating Systems, Reliability Modelling of Power Plant Units Using the State-Space Description Method, Reliability Modelling of Power Generating Units by Discrete Time-Parameter and Discrete State-Space Markov-Chains and Continuous Time-Parameter and Continuous State Space Markov-Processes, Calculation of LOLP Reliability Index, Planning the Frequency Control Capacities, Planning the Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR), the Frequency Restoration Reserve automatic (FRRa), the Frequency Restoration Reserve manual (FRRm) and the Replacement Reserve Capacity (RR).
Qualification, academic degree:
- 2012: Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, BME Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- 1988: Dr. univ., Eötvös University, Faculty for Humanities
- 1984: MA Teacher, Eötvös University, Faculty for Humanities
- 1978: MSc in Mechanical Engineering, BME Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- 1988- MVM Hungarian Electricity Private Limited Company, Senior Technical Expert of Deputy CEO for Generation and Technical Issues
- 1978-1988: Institute for Energy Planning, Senior Design Engineer