Research area: nonequilibrium thermodynamics and engineering applications, continuum mechanics, heat conduction, theory of relativistic and non-relativistic dissipative fluids.
Qualification, academic degree:
- 2002: Ph.D. in Physics, BME Faculty of Natural Sciences
- 1994: dr. univ., BME Faculty of Natural Sciences
- 1990: M.Sc. in Physics, ELTE Faculty of Science
- 2020 - Wigner Research Centre of Physics, IPNP, Department of Theoretical Physics - Senior Advisor
- 2012-2020 HAS, Wigner Research Centre of Physics, IPNP, Department of Theoretical Physics - Research Fellow
- 2009- BME Department of Energy Engineering (parallel employment) - Research Fellow
- 2007-2012: HAS, Research Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Department of Theoretical Physics - Research Fellow
- 2006-2007: HAS, Research Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Department of Theoretical Physics, and postdoc BCCS, Bergen, Norway - Research Fellow
- 2006. 04-06: Center of Nonlinear Studies, Tallinn, Estonia - Visiting Researcher
- 2005. 05-09: Vásárhelyi and Tsa. Ltd. - Employee
- 2000-2005: BME Department of Chemical Physics - Assistant Professor (second level)
- 1999-2000: Assistant Lecturer, BME, Chemical Physics Department
- 1998: Scholar, ENEA, Casaccia Research Institute, Italy
- 1994-1998: Assistant Lecturer, BME, Chemical Physics Department
- 1990-1994: BME Department of Chemical Physics - TMB Scholarship